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  Baidu, China’s biggest online search engine, will mark its largestinternational expansion to date with an exclusive deal to providea mobile browser across Africa and the Middle East for many ofthe smartphones sold by France Telecom.


  As part of a broader expansion in the region, France Telecom will pre-install the Baidu-basedmobile browser for its Android customers in Africa and the Middle East. France Telecom’s Orangehas a total mobile base of nearly 80m customers in the region.


  France Telecom said that Africa would be the world’s most dynamic telecoms market in the nextfew years, adding that the Baidu deal would help drive mobile data adoption in markets whereOrange is already seeing increased demand for the internet using smartphones.


  Orange, which is the third-largest operator in Africa, said that demand for Android devices doubledin the second half of 2012 in the region.


  Mobile penetration across Africa varies from just 17 per cent in Democratic Republic of Congo to 102 per cent in Tunisia, meaning that there is potential new customer growth in many markets, but the aim for France Telecom is also to give customers their first access to the internet throughtheir phones.


  The deal marks the first global operator agreement by Baidu, China’s dominant search engine, which said that this was one of its biggest strategic moves outside of China to date.


  The company said: “We see the Middle East and north Africa region as particularly important forBaidu. This deal with Orange for a mobile browser is of particular significance because of the rapidityof the shift toward use of the mobile internet – especially in developing markets where fixed-lineinternet penetration remains quite low.”


  For France Telecom, the deal is another part of a wider strategy to double emerging marketrevenues to €7bn by 2015. The company wants to expand in a number of countries, in particulararound a cluster of west African nations, and strike commercial management agreements wherethere are state-owned operators.


  Countries on its acquisition list include Togo, Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Gabon, while it is alreadyamong companies vying to take on the management of a state-backed group in Libya. Thecompany also has longer-term ambitions in Ethiopia and Algeria, and is interested in the stake beingsold in a Moroccan telecoms business by Vivendi.



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