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数据报告显示Apple Watch销量跳水

Interest in the Apple Watch might be dropping significantly, at least where U.S. customers are concerned.
  According to a new report from research firm Slice Intelligence, published by MarketWatch, Apple is currently selling fewer than 20,000 watches per day in the U.S., with the number dropping below 10,000 on some days.
  根据市场研究公司Slice Intelligence在MarketWatch(道琼斯旗下的新闻网站)上新发布的一份报告,目前苹果手表在美销量日均不足2万,有时甚至降至1万以下。
  Even if we disregard the initial burst of interest after the April launch, when Apple was selling around 200,000 watches a day according to Slice, this is quite a steep decline. Throughout late April and May, Apple Watch sales in the U.S. were steady, with Apple selling well above 20,000 watches per day on average.
双语:数据报告显示Apple Watch销量跳水
  Slice's data also indicates that the cheapest model, Apple Watch Sport, is by far the most popular, constituting two-thirds of the watches sold so far. As for the gold Apple Watch Edition model, which starts at $10,000, Slice estimates Apple sold fewer than 2,000 in the U.S.
  Slice's numbers come from electronic receipts sent to customers' emails following purchases. All of the data is unofficial and Apple is extremely unlikely to comment on any of it, so take the numbers with a grain of salt. However, while often missing total numbers, analytics companies are usually good at predicting trends, and a declining trend is pretty obvious here.
  Company CEO Tim Cook did not share a number or an estimate even during Apple's Q2 earnings call, which came a few weeks after the Apple Watch launch. Finally, the Watch sales figures will be bundled with iPod, Beats, and several other products in earnings reports, meaning we might not have an official figure in July, when Apple's Q3 earnings report is due.


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